Management of Frontline Fundraising
Building on the methodology and skills learned in the DFF Program, the MFF program is designed to equip frontline managers with the coaching skills and accountability practices needed to increase the individual and team fundraising productivity of their direct reports.
Over a 5-month cycle, managers engage in a series of workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions. The program focuses on:
- Developing detailed individual skill assessments
- Increasing team efficiency and productivity by building individual skills
- Implementing and sustaining a scalable fundraising process
- Behavioral Change. Managers develop enhanced coaching and accountability skills to maximize individual and team performance.
- Empowerment. Managers become more confident in their own abilities and are better able to help direct reports leverage their talents.
- Retention. A more intentional approach to managing leads to higher levels of success and greater job satisfaction for managers and individual contributors.
- Long-term sustainability of a culture of fundraising
- Enhanced collaboration between managers and direct reports
- Increased productivity and morale
- Managers gain clarity around how to attract, develop and retain successful talent
Typical Workshop Sequence
- Performance Management and the Life Cycle of a Staff Member
- Assessing and Evaluating
- Training and Coaching
- Goal Setting and Delegating
- Motivating and Developing
- Separating
- Organizational Management
- Case Studies